GSD: Global Software Development for the Practitioner



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Event When Where Deadline
GSD 2012 Governance and Sustainable Development: Building Commerce and Communities
Dec 10, 2012 - Dec 13, 2012 Coimbatore, India Sep 15, 2012

Present CFP : 2012

Sustainable development involves a complex and intricate relationship between commerce and communities.

With increasing calls for greater accountability and efficient management of sustainable development, there are also greater demands for more effective governance in this area. The overarching aim of the conference is to provide a forum for stimulating debate and exchange of ideas by exploring the latest developments in the governance of sustainable development from a variety of perspectives including environmental sustainability, social enterprise, corporate governance, legal pluralism, and social investment. The conference will appeal to academics, professionals from both business and non-profit entities, and policy makers. For further information, please visit the conference website:

We invite papers that provide greater clarity on factors affecting sustainable development (including in-depth case studies) on the following 4 major themes:
• Environment Sustainability, Carbon Emissions and Climate Change Impacts
• Women, Social Entreprenuership and Innovation
• Social Investment, Community Development and Indigenous Communities
• Social Audit, Reporting and Ethical Decision-Making

Authors interested in presenting a paper are invited to submit full papers by 15th September 2012 with a clear outline of the aims, contents, methodology and conclusions of the paper. We also encourage if you are intending to submit a paper to do so as soon as possible. Please email these papers to Ms. Carolyn Mead at

Paper Requirements:
1. Full Papers should contain a maximum of 5000 words and must be submitted in English. E-files must be in either word or PDF format. Abstracts to be no more than 350 words.
2. The cover page should clearly identify: Title of the paper, full name and affiliation of the author/s, and contact details – email and postal address.
4. All papers must have a proper reference list, typed in 1.5 spaces.
5. Accepted author/s must register for the Conference to be included in the Programme. Where a paper is written by joint authors, at least one author is required to register.
All proposals will be reviewed by the Conference Technical Committee within two weeks of submission. Authors will be notified of the outcome of their abstract submission by e-mail.

Prof Jay Misra
Amrita University

Prof. Nava Subramaniam
Deakin University

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